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 Changes coming from Heikki's crash?

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Changes coming from Heikki's crash? Empty
PostSubject: Changes coming from Heikki's crash?   Changes coming from Heikki's crash? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 6:23 am


FIA analysing Kovalainen crash
Delay in medical attention for Kovalainen
30/04/08 09:51

F1's governing body is investigating the incident whereby it took doctors several minutes to access the unconscious Heikki Kovalainen after he became trapped under tyre barriers during the Spanish Grand Prix.

Dr Stephen Olvey, a member of the FIA safety division and involved in America's motor racing scene for decades, commented that the delay in getting medical attention to the Finnish driver could have been tragic.

"If you are unconscious and perhaps not breathing you don't have more than two or three minutes before you get some kind of significant damage. So, that's going to have to be looked into," he told the Associated Press.

A spokesperson for the Paris-based FIA confirmed that an analysis of the incident is taking place.

"It's too early to comment on the incident other than to confirm that the FIA's safety experts have already begun a very detailed analysis of accident data," the FIA official said.

Source: GMM
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