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 Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year...

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Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year... Empty
PostSubject: Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year...   Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 6:25 am


Honest not indifferent, Alonso insists
''I try to be as honest as possible''
30/04/08 10:08

Fernando Alonso has rejected suggestions that his recent comments have revealed a tone of apathy towards Renault's plight in 2008.

Although buoyed by the French team's improvement at the Spanish Grand Prix, the 26-year-old former champion previously ruled out as 'impossible' Renault's plans to be back fighting among the front runners before too long.

To the Spanish news agency EFE, Alonso insists that he has simply been trying to be 'sincere' rather than dismissive when he meets with reporters, amid rumours that he would like to switch teams at the end of 2008.

"At points in the past, when I said I was going to win, people said I was arrogant, and now it is said that I am indifferent if I am in the opposite position.

"If this is the case it is because I try to be as honest as possible with the public," he explained.

Source: GMM
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Last edited by jkwaggener on Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year...   Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 12:15 pm

This is true from alonso..this year and probably the ones to follow will not be very good for renault , he is just stating the obvious
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Alfonzo all but admitting total defeat this year...
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