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 Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street

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Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street Empty
PostSubject: Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street   Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street Icon_minitimeSat Apr 26, 2008 1:47 am

Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street Img01

A little piece of Italy will come to the West End of London later this
year, when the first Ferrari Store in Britain opens to the public.

Currently a chain of 20 outlets worldwide, the United Kingdom’s Ferrari
Store will be set over two floors, totalling some 550m². It will carry
the entire range of Ferrari merchandise, with something to appeal to
children, fans of Formula 1, historic car enthusiasts and collectors

Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street Img02

The fashion ranges are regularly updated, while limited-edition pieces,
such as the actual pistons used by Scuderia Ferrari in its hi-tech
engines, will attract the more serious collector.
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Ferrari Store to Open in London’s Regent Street
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