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 BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose

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BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Empty
PostSubject: BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose   BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 6:21 am


BMW to try Ferrari 'nose hole' concept
Team set to test the concept in the wind tunnel
30/04/08 10:05

BMW Sauber, and probably other Formula One teams, will shortly experiment with the new 'nose hole' innovation that featured on the dominant Ferrari cars in last weekend's Spanish Grand Prix.

Although Maranello-based Ferrari insists that the shark mouth-style feature in front of the driver position may not be used at every race this season, BMW Technical Director Willy Rampf confirmed that a similar concept will be trialled in the team's Hinwil wind tunnel in the coming days.

"I am almost certain that it would also work on some of the other cars so we will have a look," Rampf is quoted as saying by Switzerland's Motorsport Aktuell publication.

Source: GMM
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BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Empty
PostSubject: Re: BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose   BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 12:14 pm

It's not very right, but I guess that's how it is...Ferrari always come up with the best and the rest just copy it..
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PostSubject: Re: BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose   BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 12:50 pm

That's NOT FAIR !!! FIA shouldn't allow them to do this . Ferrari discovered this new aerodynamic element and nobody should be allowed to copy it .

What if all the cars in F1 would have the same car ??? The sense of the competion would be lost ...
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PostSubject: Re: BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose   BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 12:55 pm

Everybody copies everyone else......they always have and always will.
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BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Empty
PostSubject: Re: BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose   BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 12:56 pm

jkwaggener wrote:
Everybody copies everyone else......they always have and always will.

I think every team should register their technology on FIA a copyright . Ferrari supose to win 3 or 4 championships with this new aerodinamyc and now what ?
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PostSubject: Re: BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose   BMW and others to try to copy Ferrari nose Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2008 1:01 pm

Renault were the first with the little winglets on the nose just in front of the cockpit (we copied and improved those) we were also one of the last to adopt the larger engine cover (for aero help) Renault, McMower, hell even Sauber had this improved shape long before us. It is part of the deal!
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